Baku Sport Hall – Baku (Azerbaijan)

Baku Sport Hall - Baku (Azerbaijan)

ClientAIKON Construction MMC (Azerbaijan)

Work activitiesDetailed design, Supervision of works

PlaceBaku (Azerbaijan)


Period2014 - 2016


Venue for Badminton and Table Tennis competition during the first European Olympic Games held in Baku on June 2016. Alpina carried out the detailed design of civil works, structural and plants.

The project involved the expansion of the number of seats for the spectators, from 1.500 seats to 2.300, the rationalization of entrances, compliance with the safety international standards, the provision of additional services in relation to the variety of uses that the structure will have in the future. This project ensures the functional distribution of the spaces according to functions requested by Sport Federations.


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Sadko – Youth Center Baku (Azerbaijan)

Sadko - Youth Center Baku (Azerbaijan)

ClientSeaside Boulevard under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic

Work activitiesDetailed design, Design assistance during the works and operations management

PlaceBaku (Azerbaijan)

SURFACE17.000 sqm

Period2013 - 2016


As part of the redevelopment of the waterfront in Baku in Azerbaijan Alpina carried out the detailed design of civil works, structural and plants, of the building for events “New Sadko” located at the end of the existing pier, facing the old town, which goes in the Caspian Sea for more than 500 m. The building houses rooms for events and banqueting facilities, restaurants and bars. The total area of the building is approximately 17.000 sqm on four floors. The lower level is located below the sea level.

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“Area ex Falck” redevelopment of ex industrial area in Sesto San Giovanni, Milan (Italy)

“Area ex Falck” redevelopment of ex industrial area in Sesto San Giovanni, Milan (Italy)

ClientMilano Sesto S.p.A.

Work activitiesDetailed design


Period2016 - 2017


The Project is the Design and Construction of the redevelopment of ex industrial area Falck – Sesto San Giovanni , that was at the forefront of the first industrialization and economic boom that allowed Italy to recover economically at the end of World War II.

The project includes the development of:

  • a mixed-use retail areas for approximately 136.000 sqm
  • a mid-rise residential area, approximately 133.000 smq for residential
  • a Cinema and outdoor leisure complex
  • basement parking facilities throughout

Alpina spa – Services provided or in progress:

  • the preliminary design of the “Ring roads package”, a primary roads network that connects the area to the existing primary network (Tangenziale);
  • the preliminary design of the “Union roads package”, a secondary road network that connects the area to the main existing attractive poles such as the railway station, the “Città della Salute” (Health  City) and the new green park, This Package roads includs the preliminary design of a underpass of 100 m, under the railways, for public transportation that connects the areas of the city, today separated of the rail infrastructure; the associated utilities services networks.

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“Westfield Milano” multifunctional shopping centre (Italy)

“Westfield Milano” multifunctional shopping centre (Italy)

ClientWestfield Shopping towns Ltd

Work activitiesPreliminary and Detailed design


Period2016 - ongoing


The Project is the Design and Construction of the  largest and most exclusive multifunctional shopping center in Europe, known as “Westfield Milano” –  located in  Segrate, Milano.

The project includes the development of the Multifunctional Centre, approx of 286.000 SLP in the ex area redevelopment of the former customs area and the completion of SP Cassanese 121, approx 4,5 km of new highway, from Pioltello to the Lambrate junction (Tangenziale Milano).

Alpina provided design services related to:

  • the Technical support for Track A and Track B works – Cassanese SP 121 refurbishment (Section: double carriage highways – type B);
  • the Feasibility study to developed transport connection to the Centre (Railways Station, Metro Station, future road connections);
  • the Civil and Hydraulic Engineering Services (RIBA Stage 2 – 6) regarding the Internal Highways, transport engineering services, the associated utilities networks, the site wide water management strategy and engineering.

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“City Life” urban planning in Milan (Italy)

“City Life” urban planning in Milan (Italy)

ClientCitylife S.p.A.

Work activitiesPreliminary and Detailed design



Period2007 - 2013


As part of the works envisaged in the Urban Plan of the Historical Quarter of the Milan Trade Fair (Fiera di Milano),  300.000 square meters the main underground thoroughfare was engineered as well as the underground utilities, public lighting, sewers, gas, electricity, telecommunications, surveillance camera and recirculation of ground waters into the Olona River. The working plan of the public park was also drawn up by Alpina

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Fatebenesorelle Swimming Pool, Milan (Italy)

Fatebenesorelle Swimming Pool, Milan (Italy)

ClientBNP Paribas Real Estate Investment Management Italy

Work activitiesDetailed design





The Swimming Pool Project is considered as a work deducted from the monetization charges for services under the Implementation Plan relating to the Traversi Garage. The intervention is aimed at completing the equipment of recreational-sports facilities already available in the area and intended for residents and workers in the wider urban context. The project provides for the construction, in an overall area of approximately 3,000 sqm, of indoor swimming pool facilities made up of a main pool, a children’s pool that can be also used for therapeutic purposes and a separate gym area, provided with services and changing rooms. The project includes the expansion of the road segment for the first section of Via Fatebenesorelle and the reconstruction of the underground services in correspondence of the new building.

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Joint Research Centre, Building 75N – INSEL – Ispra (Italy)

Joint Research Centre, Building 75N INSEL - Ispra (Italy)

ClientEuropean Commission

Work activitiesDetailed design



Period2017 - 2018


The project involves the construction of a building within the European research centre (JRC) located in the municipality of Ispra where Unit 08 will be located, which deals with studies and standardization of INSEL nuclear safety and security measures (Ispra Nuclear Safeguards, Security & Standardization Laboratory).

The basic design solution was to define two macro-areas within the building so that the administrative activities (i.e. offices, meeting rooms and accessory services) could be grouped together in an area of 650 m² arranged on two levels, separating them from laboratory and research activities with an area of 1000 m².

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Joint Research Centre, “Multi-purpose” sport hall Building 10P, Ispra (Italy)

Joint Research Centre, "Multi-purpose" sport hall Building 10P, Ispra (Italy)

ClientEuropean Commission

Work activitiesDetailed design, Supervision of works



Period2017 - 2018


The project involves the construction of a sports building on the perimeter of the European research centre (JRC) located in the municipality of Ispra. The goal of the project is to replace, by dismantling and demolition, one of the current marquees with a permanent multi-purpose gymnasium, with characteristics that allows it to be also used for collective events such as ceremonies, school parties, etc. This large number of sports disciplines required a dimensioning of the minimum sports area size of 38 by 22m. To meet these requirements, the new building has a larger surface area than the current one, as the project provides for the expansion of the floor area in the direction of the hill on the southern slope towards the Club House in order to make several playgrounds available at the same time. The resulting building has a size of about 41m by 30m and a maximum height of 11m.

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Joint Research Centre, Building 62C Customs- Ispra (Italy)

Joint Research Centre, Building 62C - Customs - Ispra (Italy)

ClientEuropean Commission

Work activitiesDetailed design


VOLUME1400 m³

Period2016 - 2017


The project involves the construction of a building in the European research centre (JRC) located in the municipality of Ispra. The intervention consists of the total demolition of the existing building and its reconstruction through the construction of a main body (depot) with position, orientation and height similar to the current one, and to the South-West, of a lower lateral structure, attached, in which an office with toilets will be added. The new project involves the construction of a total internal volume (upper structure and lower structure) of around 1400 m³, thus a volume similar to the existing one. The parking area and the loading/unloading area in front of the driveway entrance will be covered by a shelter that will be built as a sort of portal that transversely crosses the whole building and is partially on top of it in a longitudinal direction.

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