Lago D’Idro

Lago D'Idro (Italy)

ClientAgenzia Interregionale per il fiume Po

Work activitiesPreliminary and Detailed design



Period2022 - 2023


The new bypass tunnel represents the main intervention of the works for the hydraulic safety of the Lake, with the primary purpose of evacuating flows even in case of landslide collapse obstructing the outlet river.

The route of the tunnel develops along the right orographic bank for approximately 1316 meters, with the entrance located about 180 meters northeast of the entrance of the current spillway tunnel, in the Municipality of Idro, and the exit situated in the municipality of Lavenone approximately 460 meters downstream of the existing outlet.

The structure is entirely external to the perimeter of the landslide on the left orographic side.

The tunnel can be divided into 3 sections:

• Intake structures:

Intake structure with a width of 22 meters.

Rectangular-type connecting structure with a double arch, approximately 32 meters in length, with dimensions of 4.50 + 4.50 meters in width and 4.50 meters in height.

• Bypass tunnel: Approximately 1463 meters (of which approximately 1316 meters of natural tunnel, 51 meters of artificial tunnel on the Idro side, and 96 meters are artificial on the Lavenone side). 

The hydraulic tunnel has a polycentric internal section with an area of approximately 40 square meters and a constant slope of 0.85%.

• Discharge and return structure to the Chiese River consisting of:

• Reinforced concrete structure with two passageways, approximately 79 meters in length, constructed artificially and covered with soil to mitigate environmental impact.

• Diffuser structure, approximately 54 meters in length.

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Lajanuri 3 Hydroelectric Plant – (Georgia)

Lajanuri 3 Hydroelectric Plant - (Georgia)


Work activitiesDetailed design


Period2019 - ongoing



The project consists in the construction of a 9.4 MW Hydroelectric Plant. The plant consists of:

  • A lateral intake equipped with trash racks, settling basin and forebay tank,
  • A steel penstock, 6250 m long, 3 diameters (2.2 – 2.1- 2.0 m)
  • A powerhouse with 2 Francis turbine units, total power equal to 9.4 MW
  • A service road 6400 m long

Scope of services

The Alpina mandate includes the preparation of the Basic and Detailed Design for construction of the all the civil and hydromechanical works.

  • Review of the existing data and studies provided to the Client by previous consultant. This activity includes the review of specifications and design criteria in order to achieve the feasibility of the construction.
  • Evaluation of Energy production for different water supply scenarios.
  • Selection of penstock diameter.
  • Design of all civil works.
  • Design of the penstocks.
  • Design of the powerhouses.
  • Design of excavations and temporary supports
  • Services and construction of temporary infrastructures necessary for the works.

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Nakra 1 & 2 hydroelectric plants – (Georgia)

Nakra 1 & 2 hydroelectric plants – (Georgia)


Work activitiesDetailed design


Period2019 - ongoing



Engineering Services for the preparation of the Basic and Detailed Design Projects of Nakra 1&2 HPP

The project consists in the construction of a 8.7 MW cascade Hydroelectric Plant. The plants consist of:

Nakra 1

  • A lateral intake equipped with trash racks, settling basin and forebay tank
  • A steel penstock, 1680 m long, 2 diameters (1.3 – 1.2 m)
  • A powerhouse with 2 Francis turbine units 3.7 MW
  • A service road 1680 m long

Nakra 2

  • A lateral intake equipped with trash racks, settling basin and forebay tank,
  • A steel penstock, 1900 m long, 2 diameters (1.3 – 1.4 m)
  • A powerhouse with 2 Francis turbine units 5.0 MW
  • A service road 1900 m long

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Blanco hydroelectric plant – (Chile)

Blanco hydroelectric plant - (Chile)


Work activitiesDetailed design


Period2015 - 2016



Blanco hydroelectric plant is located in Chile, Bio-Bio region, Alto Bio-Bio municipality.

The Blanco plant works with 1 mᶟ/s of flow and it is mainly composed by a weir, a 3,2 km and 700 mm diameter adduction pipe, a penstock, a powerhouse with a one Pelton turbine of 2,4 MW output and a discharge channel.

Alpina developed the entire hydraulic, structural and geotechnical design for the runoff river plant.

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Hydroelectric power plant “El Pinar”- (Chile)

Hydroelectric power plant “El Pinar”- (Chile)


Work activitiesDetailed design


Period2016 – ongoing



Detail design of the El Pinar hydroelectric plant in Chile, Yungay municipality on the Cholguan River.

The El Pinar plant works with 7 m³/s of flow and it is mainly composed by a weir, a 1.7 km adduction tunnel followed by a 5.6 km and 2000 mm diameter HDPE adduction pipe. The penstock is made of a 400 m steel pipe, with a 1400 mm diameter, partially buried and partially exposed.

The powerhouse has two turbines: a Pelton and a Francis with a total power output of 11 MW. A discharge channel provides the restitution of waters to the river.

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Angat Water Transmission and Improvement project – AWTIP (Philippines)

Angat water transmission and improvement project, AWTIP – (Philippines)

ClientCMC Ravenna

Work activitiesPreliminary and Detailed design


Surface length 1015 m

Period2015 - 2018


Angat river water is convoyed from IPO dam to Bigte through the three existing tunnels, out of which only Tunnel n.°1 is today operational. The Angat Water Transmission Improvement Project (AWTIP, the “Project”) aims to improve the reliability and security of the raw water transmission system through partial rehabilitation of the transmission system from IPO to La Mesa and the introduction of water safety, risk and asset management plans. The Project includes the following works:

  • a new intake structure at Ipo reservoir
  • a new tunnel n.°4 (6,4 kilometers long with an internal diameter of 4,2 m excavated for its entire length with a Tunnel Boring Machine), which connects Ipo reservoir to Bigte basin n.°3 and conveys a minimum flow rate of 19 mᶟ/S.
  • a transition basin at outlet of new tunnel n.°4
  • an open channel
  • modification of basin n.°3
  • an access roads system

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Itare dam water supply project (Kenya)

Itare dam water supply project (Kenya)

ClientCMC Ravenna

Work activitiesFinal design, detailed design and assistance during construction


Period2016 - 2018


This project is aimed at improving water supply in the Nakuru Municipality and its environs: Molo, Elburgon, Salgaa and Njoro towns.

Integrated water system for the supply of the potable water from the new Itare Dam to the villages of Nakuru is mainly composed by:

  • a dam (total storage volume of 11,6 Mm³);
  • a raw water pipeline of 1,25 km long and 1200 mm diameter;
  • a WTP consisting of sedimentation units, filters, chlorination;
  • a treated water pipeline, 63 km long and 1200 mm diameter;
  • a free surface water transfer tunnel 3,2 m diameter and 14 km long;
  • a treated water pipeline, 33 km long and 1200/900 mm diameter;
  • a 5000 m³ reservoir at Ngata site;
  • a distribution pipeline 32 km long.

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Ridracoli Dam Water System Forlì (Italy)

Ridracoli Dam Water System Forlì (Italy)

ClientRomagna Acque S.p.A

Work activitiesServices provided by Alpina: Preliminary design, Detailed design, Work Supervision


Period1963 – 2001


The Romagna waterworks derives its waters from Ridracoli Lake located in the municipality of Bagno di Romagna (FO).An arch-gravity dam (103,5 high with a crest length of 432 m) is built on Bidente river.Purpose: water distribution to the associated municipalities such as Forlì, Cesena, Ravenna.

The project includes:

Type :    arch gravity dam

Total reservoir capacity :       33.000.000 m³
High :  106 m

Total concrete volume :  600.000 m³

High pressure pipe line:         33 km; 1.400 mm
Installed Power  :     7 MW

Water treatment Plant :    3,6 m³/s

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